Thursday, November 29, 2012

Orion Nebula-M42

The constellation Orion has some very cool objects located in it. The Horsehead Nebula and M42, which is also called Orion's Nebula. I couldn't image the Horsehead because my guiding hasn't been figured out yet and my exposures were limited to about...1 minute. That object requires alot more time so I went for M42 instead. There is alot more data to be captured, but for the first attempt on this object, it turned out better than I expected!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Abortion 180

This video has been out for a little while now. It's called "180". It's a short video on the Holocaust and Abortion. They make some very strong relations between the two. I highly recommend that everyone watches this. That's all I will say for now,later on down the road I will make a post about my thoughts on abortion. Watch the video!