Saturday, June 2, 2012


   Read an article on Yahoo today about "More Americans Continue to Accept Creationism Than Evolution." I thought to myself... this should be interesting. It went on to talk about how a certain percentage believed that God created humans within the last 10,000 years (I hold to the young earth creation worldview, no more than 7,000 years old), another percentage believed God played a role in humans evolving, and God played no role, doesn't exist. But one certain part of the article...kind of had me scratching my head.

Here's what it had to say. "People with postgraduate degrees stood out because they favored evolution (29 percent) over creationism (25 percent), although most (42 percent) said they believed God guided human evolution. More than half of people with a high school education or less said they believed God created humans."

Over the course of researching the creation vs evolution debate, reading many articles, watching tons of videos, the main consensus boils down to this..."if you believe in special creation, you are stupid and uneducated." Really? I beg to differ. I'm pretty sure it doesn't take a college education (of which I'm working on at the moment, just throwing that out there) or a rocket scientist to figure out that a frog cannot turn into a prince. But throw the magical ingredient "time" in the mix, and WHALLA! It can happen! And that is essentially what evolution teaches. Given any amount of time...something from nothing can be made by pure chance and then grow legs, hands, feet, lungs, a heart, eyes,etc..etc...get the picture? Looking at the evidences, without a biased mindset, one would reasonably conclude that someone or something, greater than us had to have made all these...beautifully complicated things.

Let's just say...the indoctrination in our highschools and colleges for (it's still a theory and a bad one at that) evolution is mindblowing and dangerous, any mention of God and creation automatically earns you the "crazy" ticket and end up being called "juvenile" and "uneducated". You get told to "put away the baby stuff your mom and your church taught you and think for yourself ." Yet when creationists put the unscientific religion of evolutionism/naturalism/atheism, under scrutiny (see what I did there?) we get nothing but an ear splitting babies cry from people who THINK they are the only educated bunch, and they retaliate with such animosity I would be lead to think that they were proof for evolution...I mean...if I'm taught that I'm a useless insignificant animal..why not act like one? Don't get me wrong, I love science, good science. I don't like being lied to. This dangerous theory is used to justify someone's sin by taking God out of the picture. Bottom line, that's really why people dupe themselves into believing in evolution. It doesn't get any more simple than that.

Reading the Yahoo comments, sometimes heat's my blood to the point of boiling. But I have to remember...they are people God cares about and at the moment, are headed for hell. They are in need of a Savior and God has provided an atonement for sins through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ.

Here is the article. Just read some of the comments.

Oh. and look up: Ken Ham, Kent Hovind, and Walt Brown, the people over at Very smart, intelligent, educated creation scientists if you would like to get some good information.

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