Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Heavens Declare

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." - Psalm 19:1

Perhaps you live in a city, surrounded by lights that pollute the night sky. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get away once in a while, to a nice dark, kind of secluded place and just stare up at the night sky and just look up. The new moon phase is the best time to do so, and usually begins at the end of the month/beginning of the next. The glory of God is displayed in His beautiful creation, the heavens declare His majesty, the stars are inumerable and attest to the greatness of the Lord!

This is the second night in a row the Aurora Borealis aka, The Northern Lights, have been out. I may have been the only person in grand forks to have noticed that the slight haze in the sky was actually something amazing, and being able to capture that moment in time...was a blessing. As I get ready to leave North Dakota, one thing I will miss, is being able to see the sights of the night sky, that many, MANY people miss out on. I just think they have forgotten.

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