Partying, dancing, clubs, mixed drinks, flashing lights, loud music, bumpin' & grindin', men popping collars, and unmodest women wearing short dresses and high heels. Weekend after weekend, these sort of events take place. Think about it, Monday rolls around, O.K. monday sucks, we get to Wednesday ,"Come on weekend! We are halfway there!', Friday? "Schools out kids round up the fella's (or chica's) and pre-game before hitting the clubs, let's get this party started!"
Guys get dressed up in nice clothes and spray on their most expensive cologne while getting drunk to go out to the bars to go get drunk? (what?) Women Spend time putting their makeup on, finding the most revealing attire as to tempt the man, but not as to show everything they have.
This sort, sadly, is the social norm and nobody sees anything wrong with it. Did I say nobody? How many professing Christians have I seen actively participate in such a...sickening atmosphere? Many. I myself was one of those people, albeit, shortlived on my end, very short lived, but was enough to get a taste. This lifestyle is down right wrong, destructive, decieving, ungodly, unholy, unforgiving, unclean, sexually immoral, and just plain evil. Let's face it, the two primary reasons people go to nightclubs and house parties, is to drink copious amounts of alcohol, and find someone of the opposite sex with sexual intentions. This is a cheap imitation to find happiness and "love".
The sweet taste of sin encompasses those who love every bit of it. Though the pleasure only lasts for so long, leaving the individual wanting more and more, never to be able to satsify their desire. In our world, for one to give it up would be...unthinkable. But once we understand what sin is and what it does (leads to death, is destructive, is an affront to God, etc.) we see how serious of an issue it is.
If a professing Christian were to go to a nightclub, where the whole world watches, especially their unsaved friends, their witness would be ruined because of the activities normally associated with that type of sinful lifestyle. Christ would be maligned and demeaned, even if their intentions aren't so. God calls us and desires for us to live godly lives, to not be a part of this world, and to put off our old self. For the Christian, the very act of sin should be disgusting and vile. When we are saved, sin becomes an issue, we become sensitive to it, we realize it's capabilities. One way to measure the maturity of our faith is, how much do we hate sin?
So, for Christians who may be actively participating in this particular area, I ask you to examine yourself through God's Word, and to remember what it is that Christ did on the Cross. Repent from this lifestyle and try to drag others out of it. You will be hated for it, disliked, and abandoned, but there is Christ to gain and nothing to lose.
2 Timothy 2:19
Ephesians 4:17-24
1 Corinthians 15:33
2 Corinthians 13:5